Saturday, July 19, 2014

Two Young Bucks in the Woods

I love living out in the sticks !

To the left is a young buck, taken from my fire circle in the woods early this morning in July. When I went into the woods to dump compost, there he was with his large but broken antlers... but of course he ran away immediately. So I followed his trail until I was in the team mtg site part of the woods, and I just sat still... and there he was - hiding quietly behind a tree about 30' away. So we both sat there for several minutes, inspecting one another until he decided to move beyond the next hill in the neighbors woods.

I feel privileged.

The picture below shows the fire circle, but in order to take it I had to step back from the circle and by the time I got to where I could get the view, the young deer had already disappeared behind the hill in the neighbour's woods. So I made a little inert to show where he had been.


Friday, July 4, 2014

Citizen Pammett → Declaration of Independence on July 4th

On this lovely day in July I just happen to stumble upon this really terrific video that I've embeded below.  

Of course, we've all heard about the vote that you see in that video clip — with the representatives from each of the 13 colonies when they voted to put their stake in the ground and founded this country. So that's not news. But what struck me when I watched this morning was how brave those people must have been → standing up to what had been the largest military force in the world. Of course it didn't come easy and imagine what it would be like doing that and knowing that people would die making this American Dream — this Dream of Freedom — come true.
So what does that challenge look like today — when we're facing a world that's so unimaginably different from even just a few decades ago? Click on the video, and as you watch it... think about what you are being called to stand up for in our new global economy, social-media dominated world.